Episode 1

Published on:

13th Sep 2023

Write Your Book 87 percent faster

Welcome to another episode of The Brilliant Book Podcast! Today, Ben Gioia, will be sharing his tips on how to write your book 87% faster. As writers, we know the importance of having a book to establish ourselves as experts, attract more clients, and make a bigger impact with our message.

In this episode, Ben will walk us through seven steps to expedite the book-writing process, including the commitment to getting it done and using a blueprint for structure.

Ben is a bestselling author, podcast host, and international radio show host, with his teachings being used by over 80,000 leaders and game-changers worldwide. Join us and learn how to bring your book to life without waiting for years or months!

Get ready to accelerate your book-writing journey and make a difference in the world. Let's dive in!



Hey. Good morning. Good afternoon or good evening wherever you are in the world. It's Ben Gioia from Influence with the heart.com, and I am super Excited that you are here today, and we're gonna be talking about how to write your book 87% her so you can get it done. Right? It's really good to have a book. Right? Books help you stand out as an expert. Right? Books help you get more speaking gigs, get more clients, books help you make a bigger impact with your message. And for some of us, it's so important also to tell our stories.


Right? So books are super important for all of those reasons and getting your book done faster, is better, right, because you can get the darn thing done and get it out the door. So wanna say welcome to all of us who are joining today. And if we haven't met before, let me just say hello real quick before we get into the content. So this is Ben Joya. A four time, well, almost four time, best selling author podcast and international radio show host. And my teachings are used by more than 80,000 leaders and game changers around the world. So I help folks write great books in as little as 5 weeks enjoy 5 figure fig 5 figure speaking gigs. That's easy for me to say, and attract 6 figure consulting.


That's even before publishing. And I've trained 100 of millionaires and helped a fortune 100 comp 100 company create an empathy video game for 20,000 employee So talk about impact and talk about borrowing other people's audiences for impact, and that's another beautiful benefit of the book. And a couple other fun things here, even though I don't feel that old. I've been writing and publishing stuff for already 39 years, as of this this year. I also helped launch 1 of the world's largest magazines. That was AARP. If you're in the United States, sooner or later, they will certainly find their way to you or almost certainly. And I had the pleasure, lastly, of working with the ALS association that's Lou Gehrig's disease for quite a few years and having the opportunity to create their very 1st mindfulness program.


So I am delighted that you're here. I'm delighted to be here myself, and thank you all for caring enough to spend some time on investing in yourself, right, taking the time, giving yourself the ears to listen to me today, and also I wanna invite you to really be here. We're not gonna spend a whole lot of time together. Right? I wanna have this, event this, this presentation be less than 30 minutes, right, some time for some content, some time for some Q and A, and also some time for to go do your thing. Right? We're all, if not, most of us are busy entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches, consultants, you know, different kinds of people wanting to make an impact with our business in different kinds of ways. So let's let's get you to the that will help you do that. And, again, this is how to write your book 87% faster for all the good reasons that are to write your book. So as we're talking about books today, we're gonna be focusing on books that position you as an expert, right, books that help you stand out as the leader that you are, books that help you, present yourself as a unique being in your space.


Right? There's nobody like you. There's nobody who can do what you do, even if you do something that others somebody else does on paper, right, there's only one of you, and therefore, your delivery of that is like no one else's. Right? So get your book done. Do your thing bring your message to the world, and thank you for doing that. And today, I actually broke it down into seven steps for getting your book done 87 percent faster. Now when I work with clients, we get manuscripts done in as little as 5 weeks on average more like, 13 weeks manuscript. You could think of a, you know, a messy first draft. Right? And you don't have to wait years for your book, which is a a beautiful thing.


You don't have to wait months for your book. Right? You can get it done sooner rather than later, right, because they're people waiting for your message right now. So the first thing to get your book done faster, this might sound pain painfully obvious, but it's actually the commitment to getting the book done. Right? There's that difference between, hey, I wanna get a book done and, hey, am committing to getting my book done. Right? When you flip that switch, life starts changing for you. Right? The book becomes so much more relevant so much more possible and the right people, the right circumstances, start coming into your sphere of influence because of that. Right? There many people who want to write books and most people don't. Right? There are many people who wanna do many things and most people don't.


And this is not a criticism about other people It's just that folks like you and me, right, everybody who's with us today, we understand that we have an opportunity to make an impact, and we have gifts and opportunities that a lot of other people don't have. And for some strange reason or or another, some fantastic reason or another, we know that we to make a difference, right, in our business, for our families, for our freedom, right, in our lives, so making that commitment tremendously important and vendously powerful. And for me, what I love to do when I invite people to do is minimize your thinking with your book. Right? You might be like, wait a minute. What do you mean minimize my thinking? Right? Don't I have to think about the content and don't I have to think about who I'm serving yes, you do. Like, absolutely. Focus on your content. Focus on the people that you're serving, but do not focus or minimize focus on the logistics of your book.


Right? This is something that I invite my clients to think about over and over again right, having a blueprint for your book opens up doors tremendously. Right? A lot of people struggle with their content, right, where am I gonna put it? Does this go in the front of the book? Does this go in the back of the book? What angle do take all that kind of stuff. So working with someone or following a predetermined blueprint is fantastic. Right? Now some of you creative people might be thinking, oh, I can't follow a blueprint because it's gonna be like everybody else's book. That's actually not the case at all, which is a beautiful thing. Are Think of a blueprint for a book as an architecture, right, as a scaffolding for your book. If you can think of the the American painter, Jackson Pollock, right, all of the paint spatters and all that stuff. Yes.


He created his artwork and painted, you know, according to some people, chaotically, like, without any structure, but think about, you know, the room that he was in, the paint that he using, right, all of those kinds of things, right, that is the way I want you to think about using a blueprint for your book. Right, as a scaffolding for you to be able to, you know, give yourself how how shall I say some creative freedom and flexibility for your book? Right? Okay. So we talked about making the commitment for your book, right, the the, unavoidable yes to making it happen. Right? And we also talked about using a blueprint for your book and having that scaffolding to be able to unleash your activity in a coherent way that's gonna connect with your right people, right, that's gonna help you make an impact with your message and your book. Right? Because so many people so many experts who are clearly experts in their stuff and good at what they do, they make the assumption. Hey. I'm gonna write this book because I know I know my stuff, and it's gonna be a great book. Right? If any of y'all ever saw, what was it? Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner back in the day, you know, if you build it, they will come, that absolutely not true for your book unless you're someone like Oprah or Deepak Chopra, you know, someone who has a big, big following already, you know, otherwise, they're much, much are ways to bring your book forward and not to assume that's all gonna happen, you know, simply for the fact that you brought it forth.


Now another great way to expedite the time, right, 87% faster is actually to choose the length of your book ahead of time. Right? So choose the word count for your book before you start writing the book. This is really, really important because if you similarly to not giving yourself a deadline, right, if you just say I'm just gonna write until I'm done, when are you gonna be done? How are you gonna know you're gonna be done? Right? But if you're following a blueprint, right, and you have chosen a number of words, then you know what to do and how to do how to get there. So for me, I recommend not more than 25,000 words for your book. Okay. Not more than 25,000 words for your book. You want it to be big enough so people get that you know what you're talking about and then you can provide value, provide transformation, Right? So you can help people shift their beliefs and perspectives and see what's possible in your book, but you don't wanna be going on and on and on because that content above those 25,000 words or 20,000 words, if that's what you choose. Right? Whatever that number is when you get over that number, chances are you want that to be part of a second book, right, or perhaps is something that you can use material that you can use for a podcast or free creating a course that relates to your book.


Right? And trying to get it done fast. Right? We're trying to get it done high quality, of course, but we wanna get it done fast. K. So we talked about, 1st of all, making the commitment 2nd, having a blueprint for your book 3rd, choosing the length of your book, and now you start weaving all these things together and you get to one of my favorite things in this whole process, which is dictation. Right? Dictating parts of your book. You don't have to dictate your entire book. You know, I don't recommend that specifically. I mean, you can if you want to, of course.


inutes of dictation can yield:


So then you can dictate those:


Right? It can literally be that fast, which is super cool. And you might be wondering, hey. What kind of tools can I use for dictation, any kind of AI transcription? Right? So something that's gonna transcribe your words almost immediately into text, and then giving give you the opportunity to export that text or download that text. I use otter.ai right, o t t e r, like the animal otter dot ai. That's just the one I happen to use. I like it, and there are a bunch other ones as well. So take a look really find what works best for your workflow and just to getting it done. Right? Now I'm gonna start digging a little bit deeper here because we've talking about the tactics, mostly tactics for getting your book done.


Right? We talked about commitment. We talked about blueprint the length dictation. But now it's like, wait. How do we really make sure that not only we're gonna get the book done 87% faster, but that the book is actually gonna work. Right? So you wanna almost guarantee that your book is gonna work. And I say almost because, you know, technically, most things there really isn't a guarantee ever, but there's a way to get about 98% there with understanding what's gonna work for your book. Right? And it's actually really simple, and so many people don't do this. Right? So for all of y'all listening.


Thank you for being here. Right? This is so, so important. If you remember nothing else from today, remember this, please, have conversations with your ideal clients about the book you're writing as you write it. Okay. Let me say that again. Have conversations with your ideal clients about your the book you're writing as your actually writing it. This is so, so so important, right, because you're an expert in your stuff. You have great content to share, but you wanna make sure you're presenting that content through the lens that's gonna be most relevant to and for your people, right, as, you know, the expression goes, you know, get it from the horse's mouth.


Ask your people, you know, the challenges in and dreams, all that kind of stuff, and use those conversations to lay the groundwork for those people to become clients or partners. Right? That's what I do with my clients. Right? I teach them a 10 question process to have these conversations to get great feedback on the book, to get a great lens on the book, right, and also to lay the groundwork for the next step. Because if somebody's already said, yes, I'll talk to you about the book you're right then clearly they're interested in the topic. Right? So use that as a first step to developing relationships. Right? Tremendously, tremendously important in there. And you kinda, they can't go wrong. Right? If the people that you're talking to are indeed your ideal clients are letting you know this is what I want.


This is what I don't want. This is how I want it. This is what's important to me right now. This the language that I'm using right now, right, let them tell you, and you pretty much can't go wrong. Right? And then let's see. I think that's that's 5 out of our 7 steps or components here. Right? We've talked about commitment blueprint, choosing the length, dictating, having conversations with ideal clients, and then will take a little tangent over into the land of mindset, mindset, meditation, spiritual practice, whatever terminology you like to use for yourself, it basically comes down to this. A light mind is the right mind to write.


K. Let me say that again. A light mind is the right mind to write. Right? So when you don't have a light mind, that's the time when all that stuff can come up that happens to most people. Right? Writers blocks, some people call it, some people have fear or shame or judgment or self doubt or they don't know where to start or they don't know what to say or they're worried about what's gonna happen when I get it out there all of that noise, you know, all of those thoughts that the those uncomfortable feelings, you'll be all have different versions of those things, but there's that stuff stuff that gets in the way. Right? So practicing having a light mind, like, starting your writing or starting your dictation from a place of calm, calm energy, right, calm activity will serve you. We'll help you move forward in your book will help you bring the content through faster. Right? And for me, I try to keep it really, really simple and really, really simple for and with my clients.


Right? So 1st and foremost, you'll hear me say this over and over again if you know my stuff, smile. Right? Smile as much as you can throughout the day. And when you sit down or stand up for a writing session. Very, very important. Keep smiling. Keep breathing. And when you feel that turmoil, if you feel that turmoil, right, nothing wrong, no judgment against to yourself. You didn't ask that to come through.


It's not personal. Right? But when you feel that turmoil or those thoughts or those uncomfortable feelings, relax your relax your face and smile and go back to breathing and smiling and go back to your book. It again, relax your head, relax your face, and smile. Really, really powerful. Because like I said before, a light mind is the right mind to write. And if you think about it, a light mind is the right mind for pretty much everything in our lives. Right? It'll make for better leadership, better conversations, better communication, better difficult conversations, more of difficult conversations. So do what you can to give yourself that gift of the light mind and smile throughout your day because it's guaranteed to make your life better.


Right? We smile when we're happy. We can also become happier AKA light in our mind by smiling. K. So we are, we are 6 steps in or 6 components in. Right? We're talking about writing your book 87 87 percent faster talked about commitment to the book, the blueprint, choosing the length, dictating the conversations with your ideal clients, about the book you're writing, right, some kind of meditation or spiritual practice to lighten your mind. Like I said, I'm the I'm a big fan of the smiling. And lastly, this is really, really important. Right? Everybody and their mother, it seems, is talking about AI.


Right? AI to do this and chat GPT to do that. And I'm a fan of AI for the dictation, like I said before, but some people will try to have a robot write their book. And I think that the robots can help generate some content, generate some ideas, but so many people end up relying on the robot and then ending up end up with a mediocre book or a book that doesn't quite hit the mark for their audience. And, you know, if you're really operating from a place of integrity says me, you know, are you gonna have a robot right your book and then say, look at the book I wrote. Right? That doesn't quite jive for me. Right? So there's nothing wrong with using chat EPD or another one of those tools, right, to help facilitate parts of your book or generate some ideas, right, or corral your ideas? Sure. Right? But when it comes down to it, this is your book. This is your message.


These are your stories. These are the words that come from your heart that come from your soul and that ostensibly will be coming from the people that you serve because you're having conversations with them. Right? So keep it on the ground. Keep your book as human as you can because chances are if you're like me, know, the book is not only an opportunity to share your message and reach more people and attract more clients and strategic partner Right? But it's a way to help elevate the world and elevate your business, right, and do it in a way that's true in accurate to who you are right now. So, so, hey, those are the 7 7 components to writing your book 87 faster 87 percent faster. Real quick commitment blueprint, choosing the length, dictating, smart dictating, right, having conversations, smiling and lightning your mind, and the last part is you have a human relationship with the artificial intelligence to bring forth your message to the world. So thank you all for being here. I'm so delighted to share this content with you.


If you have any questions, you can of course ask me here. Can always reach me directly. Ben@influencewithheart.com. You can also just if you wanna hop on call with me, influence with a heart.com/chat. And I am here to serve and support you. The most thing that you can do says me is bring your book to the world because people need what you got right now. So once again, Ben Gioia influence with the heart.com. Let me know if you have any questions.


You're welcome to ask me here, and, thank you all for the love. And the support, and it's an honor and a pleasure to serve you. And if you like this, tune in again next week for the next one, and I will see you again soon. Alright? Take good care. Cheers everybody. Bye bye.

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About the Podcast

The Book Brand Business Podcast
Tune in and learn how to write your book 87 percent faster!
Listeners of the Book Brand Business Podcast will benefit from the practical advice and encouragement shared by Ben Gioia in every episode. Whether you're an entrepreneur, speaker, coach, or consultant, this podcast will provide valuable insights to help you write your book faster and effectively position yourself as an expert in your field. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make a difference with your message - tune in to the Book Brand Business Podcast and learn how to write your book 87 percent faster!

About your host

Profile picture for Ben Gioia ("joya")

Ben Gioia ("joya")

If you haven’t met him yet, Ben Gioia ("joya") is a three-time best-selling author, podcast, and international radio show host who helps folks make an impact as an expert with their book, enjoy 5-figure speaking fees, and get leads, clients, & partners BEFORE publishing! He’s trained hundreds of millionaires and helped a Fortune 100 create an empathy video game for 20,000 employees. Ben makes it easy — for leaders, coaches, consultants, speakers, and small business owners — to get their book done in as little as 5 weeks!

With 38 years of writing adventures, Ben helped launch the world’s largest magazine (AARP) and his teachings are used by more than 50,000 people worldwide. So why wait for your book? Make an impact as an expert & get clients & partners BEFORE you're published! Elevate the world with your message so you can have the time, business, and freedom you love!